
Brief History

Since ancient times people have wanted to combine entertainment with easy ways of making money.
In this trial that the two great needs of life to be combined harmoniously and useful at the same time, people have invented casinos.
Exact origin of gambling is not known. The Chinese recorded the first official gambling in 2300 BC, but it is believed that this activity was practiced in all human societies since the beginning. The ancient Greeks and Romans to Napoleon's France and Elizabethan England, history is full of stories touch with gaming entertainment.

In America, early casinos were known as the saloon. The occurrence and importance saloon sites was much influenced by four major cities: New Orleans, St.. Louis, Chicago and San Francisco. Here were people who travel to speak, drink, and often with which to gamble. At the beginning of sec. XX, in America gambling is prohibited by the laws of states and social reforms. In 1931 gambling was legalized again in states like Nevada and in Las Vegas, known as a "sin city", have flourished first official casinos. Soon after, in New Jersey, Atlantic City and he falls in the gaming industry and casinos in 1978, becoming the second largest gambling city in America. Other gaming regions have developed in Tunica Resorts, Mississippi, and Gulf Coast, close to Biloxi.
Once time passes caught word meaning large casino at today, the public place, with dance halls and entertainment, where gambling is allowed.
With the emergence and upgrading Internet has emerged a new opportunity to make money and fun, just sitting in their home.

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